When Should You Replace Your AC Units?

It’s that time of year again. The heat is gradually building up, and you may be contemplating purchasing an air conditioning unit for your home. If you live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, you know how hot it gets during the summer months. And with all that heat, it can be hard on an AC unit.

If you already have an AC and you feel that it’s not enough to get you through the hot summer months, do you need to replace it now? If you’re unsure, here are some tips and tricks for determining when you should call AC installation contractor Tulsa to get your unit replaced.

1. When Your AC Unit Is More Than 10 Years Old 

When your AC unit reaches its tenth year, it’s recommended to replace the unit. It’s because most modern air conditioning units typically last about 20 years, with an average lifespan of between 15 and 20.

Most AC units start to produce less cool air as they age. You can easily notice a decrease in cooling power during summer. The inadequate cooling power might keep it running longer, resulting in adverse effects on the environment and higher electricity bills.

However, there may be cases in which changing components, like the condenser or evaporator coil, may be an option to improve the performance of your air conditioner. You may not need to replace the whole system and save you a few hundred bucks. So, before you visit your favorite online retailer to shop for a new unit, it might be best to get your AC checked by experienced aircon service providers.

2. When The Repair Cost Exceeds The Cost Of A New Unit

Calculate the repair cost of the AC unit and compare it to the average price of a new AC. You may do this by multiplying the total repair cost by the age of the AC unit. If the total exceeds the average cost of buying a new one, then a replacement would be a wise option. Otherwise, opt to have the air system repaired.

3. When Your Energy Bills Are Off The Roof 

Another point you should consider when deciding to replace your AC units is your monthly energy consumption. There are many reasons why this happens, but mostly, higher electricity consumption is correlated to an inefficient AC system. If your monthly electric bill keeps on skyrocketing each month despite all of your efforts to minimize your monthly energy consumption, the problem might be with your air system.

Failing mechanisms are often the reason the air system consumes more energy than it should consume. Consider having your air system check by a professional if your AC hasn’t reached its expected lifespan yet, and the repair won’t be costlier than having it replaced. Otherwise, you might want to consider replacing your unit as soaring energy and repair costs can add up over time.

4. If You Notice A Significant Change In The Air Quality Of Your Home 

Do you know that excessive dust at home can be a cause of AC breakdowns? That includes visible dust and microscopic particles that can make their way into the AC’s air duct and create blockages that lead to reduced airflow.

When this happens, your AC is forced to strain itself to maintain appropriate coolness. If the problem is continuously ignored, it may lead to AC unit malfunction because it exerts too much effort to provide a cool temperature despite the blockages on its airflow.

If you notice a significant change in the air quality of your home, contact an AC repair company for help with inspection, diagnosis, and subsequent fixes. If the repair company can no longer correct the problem, it may be time for AC replacement.

5. When Your AC Unit Frequently Breakdowns Despite Maintenance

AC units require maintenance to keep them running. But what happens when the AC unit breaks down despite regular upkeep? If you’ve been experiencing frequent breakdowns, despite regular maintenance and repair work on the system, that could mean a more significant problem than has yet been diagnosed.

If none of the technicians can identify what the main problem is, or the cost of having it repaired multiple times is just adding up, it may be time to replace the AC unit.

6. When Strange Sounds Are Coming From It 

When you start to hear strange sounds coming from your AC unit, it may also be a time to start thinking about replacing the old one. These sounds can range from a buzzing sound to clicking or clanking—it might even be loud enough that you can hear the AC unit shaking. Squeaking noises are included, too. All these sounds could signify something is wrong with the unit’s condenser fan motor’s bearing, compressor, or a refrigerant leak.

If the problem is the bearing of the unit’s condenser fan motor, it indicates a more dangerous electrical issue that a professional should check immediately and replace if needed. When neglected, the condenser might overheat, leading to more severe damage to the unit and the entire house. On the other hand, if the problem is the compressor, it’ll be more economical to replace the entire unit because the compressor is its most expensive and most complex part.

Although an AC unit’s refrigerant can easily be replaced, it won’t be cost-efficient if it uses a freon refrigerant known as R-22. R-22 refrigerant costs higher than others because manufacturers have already stopped producing this due to its emission level. Replacing an R-22 refrigerant every time it’ll leak may cost you more than buying a new unit.

7. Strange Smells

You may find that your AC unit is working fine, but it’s something that you shouldn’t ignore when it produces strange or burnt smells. It could be due to a buildup of carbon in the filter or evaporator coils, which can happen if your windows are open while it’s running. If this happens on cold days and not hot ones, there might be an issue with your unit.

Cleaning the filter or coils should make it smell better, but if that doesn’t work, replacing the unit is your most viable option.


The last thing on your mind during this summer heat may be your AC unit, but before you know it, that old air conditioner may be costing you more than just money in repairs and energy bills. If any of these conditions mentioned are present in your home’s AC unit, then it might be time to consider replacing it sooner, rather than later.