5 Environmentally-Friendly Gardening Tools for Your Garden

Environmentally-friendly is a term that is becoming more and more important. Yet, what does it mean exactly?

As a definition, environmentally-friendly translates to “not harmful to the environment.” It is the intent of preventing as much harm as possible from occurring to the environment by performing actions that are considered ‘eco-friendly’. This can range anywhere from turning off lights whenever necessary to avoid wasteful electricity to separating paper from plastic for recycling to reduce pollution caused by waste.

Mother nature has a lot to offer us – water, air, sunshine, and more. However, misusing these resources can be harmful for us and future generations. No longer is it enough to take part in environmentally-friendly activities. It is equally important that the process itself, from start to finish, is environmentally conscious as well.

If you are amongst those individuals who love gardening, one of the best ways in which you can take care of your garden is by engaging with these 5 environmentally-friendly gardening tools that are willing to work when you are:
Push reel mower
1. Push reel mower – A push reel mower is a type of lawnmower that is affordable, lightweight, and easy to maneuver. Aside from its simplicity, this viable ‘no muss, no fuss’ option does not emit pollution. It also keeps your lawn tidy and it is better for your grass’ health. This lawnmower is also as efficient as any other gas-powered trimmers like this one https://www.findstringtrimmers.com/product/honda-hht35sltat-string-trimmer. So, it will not just help make your lawn looks good but will also keep the environment in your surrounding unpolluted.

2. Garden broom – Every garden needs a light and sturdy broom to sweep away leaves, grass clippings, and other debris. As opposed to brooms made of synthetic bristles, the bristles of a garden broom are made from spines of the coconut frond, thereby making clean-up fast and efficient. This multipurpose broom works perfectly in all weather conditions, clearing away any pests that may have been bothering your plants and beautifying your green space.
Hand cultivator
3. Hand cultivator – A hand cultivator is a claw-shaped hand tool that is designed to aerate and till soil, as well as to remove weeds and other unwanted debris. For smaller tasks, it is the perfect tool to help keep your garden healthy and abundant throughout the seasons.

4. Hoe – A hoe is considered to be an environmentally-friendly form of weed control. It is also used to break up hard soil and to harvest root crops. As conditions become more favourable, it will prove useful in defining the edges of your garden as it starts to flourish.

5. Solar-powered lawn mower – A lawnmower that runs on solar power (the conversion of energy from sunlight into electricity) can help to cut down on your utility bills while working with the natural environment. It conserves the planet’s resources, as the sun is a free energy source.
Solar-powered lawn mower
When not in use, the detachable solar panel should be stored in a location where it can receive direct sunlight to recharge the battery of the mower.

With so many environmentally-friendly gardening tools available on the market, you have the opportunity to use natural resources smartly and build the garden of your dreams. Landscaping for energy efficiency can actually reduce your utility costs by up to 20%. Even organic products are safer for use than inorganic ones, keeping soils free from harmful microorganisms and breathing new life into nature’s natural greenery.