5 Key Ways to Upgrade Your Family Garage

The average cost of a proper family garage renovation costs anywhere from $7000 to $15,000. But by targeting your efforts in a few core places, you can make your garage feel brand new without breaking the bank.

You’re probably wondering what you should focus on first, and while organization is key, you have to declutter your family garage before organizing your belongings.

So where should you be focusing your effort? Let’s dive in with 5 keys ways to upgrade your garage, making it as functional as possible.

1. Curate Your Possessions

Your garage, no matter how big, has limited space. In order to get the most out of that space, you need to decide what is worthy of being in the garage, and what is time to say goodbye to.

So as you go through your garage remodel, be vigilant about getting rid of unnecessary things, such as toys your children have outgrown, the outdoor gear you seldom use, and broken things you’ll fix someday.

2. Make Garage Organization Work for You

Now that you have fewer items within your garage, it’s time to organize them. Consider dividing up your space into nooks or corners to help you stay organized. Remember that in a proper family garage, you may need space to park the car, space for storage, a work area, and a toy area for your kids.

Each corner will have its own organizing needs, and a workspace may need particular care to properly store and clean tools. A play area however might be able to get away with a few cute stacking boxes.

No matter what, a good method for organizing is the key to ensure your clean new garage stays that way.

3. Take Advantage of Your Ceiling

There’s a lot of unused space being neglected above your head. Make use of it by installing ceiling storage.

Ceiling storage can be used for nearly anything. Hang kayaks, canoes, or camping gear. Install a hanging bike rack and hang a ball net.

Anything you can hang doesn’t need to be on the floors or the walls, and that leaves more room for you. So stop wasting valuable ceiling space, and start using it for storage.

4. Upgrade Your Flooring

Most likely you have concrete for your garage, and that’s enough for most people.

But you can upgrade your garage flooring with a concrete coating, as this will help seal cracks and pits to ensure a smoother, more luxurious floor. Want to learn more about concrete coating? Garage Force has you covered.

5. Make It Practical

A properly efficient space needs flow. As you go through your garage renovation, keep in mind how you already use the space.

Can you protect your doors from getting dings by installing pool noodle guard rails? Can you get a better flow by adding a mudroom nook to hang keys and coats and store your shoes?

Garage renovation is not one size fits all, so feel free to tweak your project so it works best for you.

Speaking of a cheap garage renovation and upgrade, you can add on your collection an e-bike purchased using codes like Rad power bikes discount code.

Putting together an efficient family garage doesn’t have to be expensive. By curating your garage, organizing it efficiently, and adding a few tweaks to your space you can turn your garage from a clutter disaster into your new favorite room.

Keep checking back for more articles to help you curate the life you want.