7 Environmentally Friendly Ways To Keep Your Home Cool

During a hot summer, you’re not only concerned about the heat but the escalating energy bills. Another issue not to forget is the environmental impact your home cooling has. 

Some activities emit greenhouse gases that damage the earth’s atmosphere, leading to climate change. They also use more energy, driving up electricity demand. There are many ways to stay cool without harming the environment. Check out these tips:

Install an Energy-Efficient System

An old cooling system can use up to three times as much energy as a new one. They emit greenhouse gases and other pollutants, so it’s crucial to upgrade. When shopping for a new system, look for the ENERGY STAR® label. It means the product meets energy-efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

The unit will use less electricity, saving you money while reducing your carbon footprint. Talk to HVAC specialists to avoid mistakes. For instance, cooling services in Dallas, TX, can help you select, install, and maintain the right system.

Maintain Your System Properly

It’s critical to keep your energy-efficient system in good condition. It means regularly changing the air filter, having it serviced by a professional, and keeping the area around it clean. If you don’t maintain the system, it will use more energy and break down more often, costing you money in repairs. 

A poorly maintained system increases your carbon footprint and harms the environment. Set up a maintenance schedule and stick to it to ensure optimal performance.

Use Fans Wisely

Fans use less energy than air conditioners, making them a more environmentally friendly option. They also provide additional circulation, making you feel cooler as they evenly distribute cool air throughout the house. 

Use them in conjunction with your energy-efficient system for maximum comfort and efficiency. Ceiling fans make the primary cooling system work less, saving you money on energy bills. However, only use them when in a room.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

A programmable thermostat can save energy without sacrificing comfort. You can set it to raise the temperature when you’re away or lower it at night when everyone is sleeping. These small changes make a big difference. You’ll spend less, not overwork the cooling system and keep emissions minimal.

Let in the Breeze

Fresh air is good for your health. Open the windows and doors to let in a natural breeze when the weather is cool enough. The exercise allows you to turn off the air conditioner and save energy. Be careful not to let in too much heat when the temperature outside is high. Close the windows and doors and use the energy-efficient cooling system instead.

Invest in Energy-Efficient Bulbs

Avoid halogen bulbs as they emit heat. They make the room warmer, so you’ll have to use the cooling system more. Replace them with ecoledmart.com cool-running LED bulbs instead. They last up to 25 times longer and use 75% less energy. This simple change will keep you cool and save money on your energy bill.

As you carry out this exercise, don’t add to the indoor heat by cooking, ironing, using the dryer, or taking a warm shower when it’s too hot. Wait until the cooler morning or evening hours to use these appliances.

Insulate Your Home

A well-insulated home is easier to cool. Heat flows into the house in summer and out in winter. This makes it challenging to keep the temperature comfortable without using much energy. Check the insulation in your attic, walls, floors, and crawl spaces. Add more if necessary. The effort will create a barrier against heat flow and make your home more comfortable while reducing the carbon footprint.

These Measures Protect The AC

By following these tips, you can stay cool while being kind to the environment. You’ll save money and reduce your carbon footprint. The best part is that you’ll spend less time and effort maintaining your cooling system. Your AC will last longer, saving you money in the process.