Best Music for Homesick: Songs to Listen to When Missing Home

Being away from home, our heart going back while we are far away from the land of which we are apart. This gloomy feeling has afflicted humankind from prehistory. As we grow up and work where our home is, it is natural to have feelings for it.

As we move away, no matter for how long, we feel like it is calling us back. So if you are an employee, a student, or are serving in the military. Whatever the reason you are away from home, the feeling of sickness is common in all instances.

No matter how much insecure, homeless, or sad you feel at this moment, we have collected some famous music for homesick. If you are struck by this feeling, here are some of the tracks to listen to.

Don’t Forget Where You Belong –One Direction

This song is not directly connected to the notion of home. Written and sung by the famous band One Direction, it tells the story in a different way.

Don’t forget where you Belong talks about how we go on our different paths, sometimes chosen, and sometimes forced upon us by the circumstances. Nevertheless, wherever we go we always remember who we are and where we came from –home.

It is our nature to never forget our roots and stay as we are naturally. This tells us, no matter how far we go from our roots, there will always be some connection.

Take Me Home, Country Roads –John Denver

When we talk about home, this is the number one music piece that talks about the topic and takes our thoughts towards the word home. This song has made a place for itself in not just the country music category, you will find it in other genres too.

This can be established from the fact that after John Denver sang “take me home, country roads,” many other singers too, took the lyrics and attempted their own version of it.

When we are away, we all long for home, the best way is to dampen our gloomy remembrance with the music.

Castle on the Hill –Ed Sheeran

When you listen to it, the “Castle on the Hill,” will become a part of the memories attached to your home. It sticks to you and helps you remember the place where you belong even deeply.

This song is all about Ed Sheeran’s birth and growing up in Framlingham’s countryside town of the United Kingdom’s Suffolk. When the best singer talks about his home, how is it possible for us to stay aloof and not relate it to our own experiences?

Chicago –Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young

This song is about America and has strong political notions. But when you listen to this piece of music, the song has these words, harmonies, and music that makes us a thing about our teenage times.

There is so much you can relate to it, if you grew in a city, wandering on the streets, riding cars, spending nights out with friends and so much more. The time in our life, where we believe, we could conquer the world, or to be very frank, the world revolves around our existence.

I Miss You Now –Stereophonics

This song from Stereophonics, tells us that missing someone makes us numb. At this moment we want to hold our beloved ones and tell them how much we miss them. Whether you are missing home or a good friend of yours, here it can be part of your music for homesickness list.

Skinny Lover –Bon Over

This song can remind you of a lot of things, depending upon your memory load and the things you experienced while growing up or currently passing through. You can think of sitting in your room, anxious about your future, thinking what course your life will take from this moment onward.

Though the writer, talks about his relationship with his girlfriend, you can relate it to your life in a different way and direction. About a time when you were spending a particular day at your home, hometown, or with home folks.

Coming Home –John Legend

What would a soldier feel like being away from his family? He could be in hostile territory, or on duty in another place within the country far far away from home. The life of a soldier is so uncertain. Especially on working on the front line where he/she cannot be certain which moment could be the last one.

In such a situation it is natural to go back in the back of your mind to your hometown where your family is, where your love is, where you have grown up, where you have spent all the best days of your life. Here they imaging going home and being welcomed and embraced into arms by their loved ones.

Final Words

Missing home, listing to music for homesick can help you relieve the burden of negative emotions that emerge from the fact that you are far away from home. Sometimes it is music, sometimes it is the lyrics that attract us toward that particular track. Whatever is the reason for you will give you all the words you are looking for in a song, do check it out and tell us which one among these is your favorite.