Is Centrifugal Juicer Better Than Slow Juicer?

Natural juices are one of the most nutrient-rich beverages for your family. Today you can find multiple kinds of juicers on the market, each claiming to offer better qualities than previous models. However, the difference between masticating and the centrifugal juicer is something you need to know. Typically, it has to do with speed rather than anything else. The core function of all juicers is pressing and smashing fruits and vegetables to get their juice extract. How fast you perform these masticating powers is the key to producing juice with a different taste and viscosity. 

Let’s take a deep dive into the various juicers’ features to check which justifies the best juice for home use. Since the world market is full of new juicer models, knowing their differences can give you a competitive advantage when talking to salespersons. It will also allow you to get the juicer that is closer to your needs and aspirations. 

What Is The Main Difference Between The Two Types of Juicers?

First, a centrifugal juicer works with its rotational power. You place chunks of fruits and vegetables in its basket, and then you let it rotate over a central moving mechanism. That process makes all fruit cells’ membranes break right away and release all their fluids to the basket. By increasing the rotating power, you can even mix the different juices to create a homogenous juice that will be extremely pleasant to drink.

On the other hand, the so-called slow juicer uses pressure to extract juice from fruits and vegetables. It’s a very demanding procedure since you need to place only the right amount of fruit chunks in the basket each time. The pressure exerted on fruits gradually breaks the cell membranes but at a slower pace. That allows fruits and vegetables to secrete their fluids naturally and slightly changes the final juice extract’s taste and freshness.

Are You Able To Extract More Juice From Slow Juicers?

No study has compared the two juicer types in extracting more or less juice from the same amount of fruits and vegetables. The common impression is that slow juicers produce a lower juice quantity. However, they do so because users are always in a hurry to drink their juice. When you leave the slow juicer to compress the desired amount of fruits and vegetables at the best possible time, you reach similar results with centrifugal juicers. 

Centrifugal juicers produce a higher portion of juice, but this could just be more water coming from the membranes of fruits or chunks of natural fibers that have been mixed in the ingredients. It’s important to know that slow juicers produce a clear juice extract without pulp or other mixings in their substance. On the contrary, the centrifugal process is a lot more brutal and can give you every part of the fruits in your juice, adding to its volume and removing a lot from its taste.

Do Centrifugal Juicers Destroy Nutrients?

It’s another urban legend about centrifugal juicers. There is no correlation between the presence of pulp or smashed natural fibers and the quality of nutrients. Vitamins and minerals present in fruits and vegetables will still pass to the juice produced by the centrifugal juicers. No mechanism reduces the quantity or quality of the useful nutrients in juices extracted with the centrifugal process. 

Slow juicers are better at preserving the quality of some important nutrients like Vitamin C and Iron. On the other hand, it has been studied that the centrifugal process makes potassium and beta-carotene more available in the final juice extract than with any other smashing procedure. It all depends on the kind of nutrients you want to consume each time. And the best way to get the nutrients is to eat fruits and vegetables in their original form. Juices always have less active ingredients and could even slow the nutrients’ absorbance rate in your gut. 

Which Juicer Type Is Better?

There is no simple answer to that question. It depends on your personality and how long you want to wait to have your daily juice ready. Slow juicers are for people who can take the time and wait for their fruits to get smashed at a slower pace. Centrifugal juicers have been popular for their speed and the impressive juice quantity they produce. If you have made your decision, you can visit Completing My Home for more healthy homemade juicing recipes to try. It’s better to find the best balance between these two types and use them according to your daily schedule and the need to get useful nutrients and tasty juices right away.