Whether you’re looking for a designated space for running an online business, a remote workspace, or a space for calculating bills or reading at home, you need more than just an extra chair and office table stuffed at the corner of your living room. You need a well-designed home office. Whether you work from home entirely or spend a few hours working from home, it’s vital that your home office is an inviting and comfortable place to get your work done. Below are brilliant tips for designing a home office. 

Choose the right chair and desk

An office chair that does support good posture increases your risk of experiencing back pain and injuring your spinal cord. Choose a comfortable and adjustable chair based on your height and a desk that is wide enough for your PC. Ideally, a desk should be 48 inches wide, but you can go for a smaller table if all you ever need is a laptop. The desk should not be too high; a height of 70 to 75cm should be okay. Find the most comfortable office furniture from reputable sellers like Kasala, and your back will thank you. 

Be organized

Whether it’s your first time owning a home office or you’ve had one for some time, you’re probably aware that home offices get messy quickly. To avoid the pain of an unpleasant home office, get drawers and organizational bins. Embrace other home office organizing options such as label makers and printing stations. An organized office increases productivity, reduces workplace accidents, and reduces stress levels by establishing a positive work environment. 

Ensure there is natural lighting

To prevent straining your eyes, your home office should have plenty of light. If possible, choose a place with natural light and a view. Natural lighting is a great way to help you feel active and energized. It is crucial for your well-being. Natural lighting helps to maintain your vitamin D levels, which helps to improve your sleep and keep you in a good mood. 

Include storage space

Usually, storage is overlooked when designing home offices. Be sure to include filing cabinets, shelves, and cupboards. Think about your workflow; what comes in, where do you keep it when worked on and when it’s complete? Additionally, be sure to keep the files you are working on at arm’s reach and place your reference materials close. 

Set up a meeting place

Do you frequently expect clients and other guests during working hours? Set up a meeting place in your home. A separate room would be the ideal place for meetings. However, if space does not allow, plan for additional seating at your home office. Set up one or two comfortable chairs to welcome your guests and clients for sit-down meetings.


As you can imagine, designing a home office can be challenging. To get the best of your home office designing, keep these tips in mind to help make your space productive and enjoyable. More to the point, select comfortable office furniture, ensure there is natural lightning, and be organized.