7 Ways to Clean a Living Room

We spend a lot of time in our living rooms and they can become cluttered and messy very quickly. Especially if you are entertaining friends regularly or if you have a family, so it makes sense that sometimes our living rooms need that extra bit of love and care when it comes to cleaning up. If you are thinking about giving your living room a thorough cleaning, use these 7 ways for fantastically fresh results. 

1. Get The Duster Out

First things first, you need to get your duster out or your microfibre cloths. Start up high and work your way down as there’s no point dusting the bottom shelves for you to work up towards the top ones as the dust from the top will just fall down. Using a duster is great to get those hard to reach places, but when it comes to dusting off delicate objects, such as the TV or cables, for example, you ought to consider using a microfibre cloth and wiping across them gently. 

2. Get The Vacuum Out 

Dust and dirt can accumulate so quickly in the living room as it is most likely the most frequented room in the house. How well your living room comes out post-spring clean will be largely dependent on how good your vacuum is, and if you don’t own a hoover or you are thinking about getting a new one, go to AutomatedOutlet’s vacuum comparison to access reviews to help you make a well-informed decision. After all, there is nothing more satisfying than watching your vacuum suck up all the dust, dirt and other grizzly bits that are living on your living room floor. To keep your floors looking fresh and to prevent any dirt from becoming embedded into your carpets, you should vacuum at least once a week.

3. Use Carpet Cleaner

Once you have sucked out all the dirt and dust from your floor, it is time to give your carpets and rugs a new lease of life and use the carpet cleaner. Most carpet cleaners use a mixture of warm water and cleaning solution to get into all the tiny fibres and give the carpet a deep and thorough clean. Using both carpet cleaner and a vacuum will make sure that any bits of hair, skin, dust, bacterial, soil and pet hair get removed from even the deepest parts of the carpet. After you have cleaned your carpet, you will find that it gets a bit of bounce back into it as it regains some of its fluffy texture. 

4. Wipe Down The Surfaces

In your living room, you are bound to have plenty of surfaces that can become easily neglected over time. To name a few, you might have coffee tables, drawers, TV stands, mantle pieces and more in your living room. With some of these surfaces, you should invest in some polish and give them a thorough wipe down. Make sure to dust the surfaces off first before using the polish. Additionally, when using the polished the key is to wipe in circular motions and then dry it off with a dry paper towel to avoid leaving smears and streaks. This will leave your surfaces looking spotless and you’ll have forgotten that they were once ever that shiny and clean. Pro-tip, make sure that you are not forgetting any high up surfaces as just because you can’t see the dirt, doesn’t mean it’s not there. The tops of wardrobes, cupboards and cabinets are often full of grime and dirt because they are often ignored when it comes to cleaning. 

5. De-clutter the Shelves

If you have any shelving units or bookshelves in your living room, you will know just how quickly they can fill up. Sometimes we use them just to put things there where we don’t really know where to put them. Now and again make it a priority to de-clutter your shelves. Box up any old books and take them to charity or find somewhere else to store them, as they are doing nobody any good by sitting there and collecting dust. Any trinkets that have lost their purpose or that do not necessarily need to be on the shelves, you should rehome them. Clean, uncluttered shelves will leave your living room feeling clean and uncluttered as a whole. The saying ‘less is more’ is appropriate in this context as a minimalist vibe to your living room will make it feel far cleaner. 

6. Wash The Windows

Cleaning your windows will make a huge difference in how clean your living looks and feels! We often do not realise quite how dirty the windows are until springtime when the light shines on it and we can see every smudge, streak, fingerprint and more slapped across the windows. This will come as no surprise, but spring is one of the most common times that people choose to wash their windows. There are plenty of window cleaners that you can buy in-store or you can use a homemade concoction if you would rather. If you have windows that are hard to reach, consider investing in extendable poles used specifically for tall windows, either that or you could hire professional window cleaners to do your whole house. 

7. Clean The TV

Cleaning the TV is never on the top of the priority list for most people, however, it gets surprisingly dirty and quickly at that. Particularly around the TV and units/stands supporting it as these gather untold amounts of dust. Wipe around the TV and use a microfiber cloth to gently clean the screen itself. If you have little ones running around the house, you will be sure to find lots of tiny finger smudges all over that TV screen, so once you have given it a thorough cleaning it will feel like you have a shiny new TV again!

Whether it is time for a spring clean or you just have the cleaning urge within you, just remember, if you are going to do something, then you might as well do it right! Apply this way of thinking to your cleaning and use these 7 ways to clean your living room for fantastic and rewarding results.